What is See To Learn?
See To Learn was developed by the Eye Care Council as a preventive program to help make sure every child’s early education is unaffected by vision problems. Through See To Learn, parents can schedule a FREE vision assessment for their 3-year-old child in a participating optometrist's office.
Kids can’t explain why the world is blurry.
Clear a Path to Early Learning
See To Learn’s three-step system has helped more than 60,000 school-age children join their first classrooms free of vision-related obstacles.
Step 1:
Stay vigilant. As parents, guardians and educators, it’s up to us to recognize the signs of vision problems in the children we care for. See To Learn has the resources to keep you informed about common symptoms, which can crop up at any age.
Step 2:
Get the test. Three-year-olds are given a free vision assessment from a participating Eye Care Council optometrist. Early detection can be key: Serious conditions like amblyopia (lazy eye) and strabismus (turned eye) require intervention before age 5.
Step 3:
Follow up. Before or during a child’s first year of school, schedule an examination with an optometrist. Every year, 25 percent of starting kindergartners have vision issues affecting their ability to learn, which may not be detected in school-performed screenings.
Spot the Warning Signs
Although some conditions have no symptoms, watch for these early indicators of potential vision problems. Speak up if you see a child displaying these behaviors – more than 80 percent of a child’s ability to learn relies on visual processing.
My Role Is
Get the Tools You Need
Educational materials for schools, parents and child care providers are available at no cost. Just click the link below and fill out a simple order form. If you’re interested in a presentation by a participating optometrist, contact the Eye Care Council at 1-800-960-EYES or email info@wordpress-650166-2198813.cloudwaysapps.com.